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2016, Vol.47, No.

‘Division and Unification’ : The Cultural Reunification of the North and South Korea
Ihn-Bum Lee | 2016, 47 | pp.3~28 | number of Cited : 1
Zur Richtung der kulturellen Vereiningung aufgrund der Hegelschen Gedanken
Jeong-Im Kwon | 2016, 47 | pp.29~70 | number of Cited : 1
The East-West German “Bilderstreit” (Image Battle) in the Process of Reunification and the Lessons That Can be Drawn for the Divided Korean Peninsula
Karl-Siegbert Rehberg | 2016, 47 | pp.71~110 | number of Cited : 0
Cultural Memories of Division and Unification : Memory Space and the Cultural Unification of Divided Nation-States
Yhee, Jean | 2016, 47 | pp.111~140 | number of Cited : 5
The Walls of Utopia and the Fall of the Wall in Berlin : The German Art Dispute and its Implications for the Cultural Reunification of Korea in Berlin as the Theatre of the Cold War
Eckhart J. Gillen | 2016, 47 | pp.141~212 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on the Aesthetic Ideas of <Mongyu Dowondo>
Kwon hyun-hee | 2016, 47 | pp.215~252 | number of Cited : 1
A Study on the Aesthetic Paradigm of Subjectivity Production in the Ecosophy of Guattari
김성하 | 2016, 47 | pp.253~284 | number of Cited : 3