author={Sun Kyu Ha},
title={A Study on Aesthetic Properties and Culture-philosophical Meaning of Television Images},
journal={The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art},
AU - Sun Kyu Ha
TI - A Study on Aesthetic Properties and Culture-philosophical Meaning of Television Images
JO - The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art
PY - 2009
VL - 30
IS - null
PB - 한국미학예술학회
SP - 331
EP - 364
SN - 1229-0246
AB - Undoubtedly, television has had a great and massive influence on culture, society, politics and human being himself since 1950’s. However contrary to positivistic studies of social science field there were few philosophical discussions on moving images of television. This paper is methodically based on the media-aesthetic approach that regards a medium not as a neutral channel of information but as ‘technological-historical a priori’ of symbolic forms of culture.
In the first part of this paper I try to describe some reasons why philosophical and aesthetic analysis of television image is confronted with theoretical difficulties. And in the next part I move on to explicate some elementary aesthetic concepts like world-image, simultaneity, crossover of spaces, flow, series, event and virtuality. The importance of these concepts can be revealed by the recognition that they stand not only for phenomenal character of moving images of television but also for essential ontological moments of them. A special emphasis will be laid on the fact that these concepts rule the way a televiewer receives moving images and-this weighs heavier-indicate a specific mode of constitution of subjectivity. In other words, they are key ideas with which we inquire into modern situation and transformation of ways of perception and cognition of subject. In addition it is necessary to understand relevant co-relationship among their meanings and effects.
Based on significant theories of television of M. McLuhan, F. Kittler and L. Engell, I examine in the last third part culture-philosophical meaning of television image. This paper can first make contributions to comprehension of perceptive singularity of television image and of its ontological status. Secondly it will be functioned as a starting ground on which the relation between moving images and technological civilization can be investigated. And finally it will provide opportunity to study further the anthropological und socio-cultural meaning of moving images.
KW - aesthetics of media;crossover of spaces;event;flow;philosophy of media;segmentation;series;simultaneity;television;television image;theory of moving images;virtuality;world-image
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Sun Kyu Ha. (2009). A Study on Aesthetic Properties and Culture-philosophical Meaning of Television Images. The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art, 30, 331-364.
Sun Kyu Ha. 2009, "A Study on Aesthetic Properties and Culture-philosophical Meaning of Television Images", The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art, vol.30, pp.331-364.
Sun Kyu Ha "A Study on Aesthetic Properties and Culture-philosophical Meaning of Television Images" The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art 30 pp.331-364 (2009) : 331.
Sun Kyu Ha. A Study on Aesthetic Properties and Culture-philosophical Meaning of Television Images. 2009; 30 331-364.
Sun Kyu Ha. "A Study on Aesthetic Properties and Culture-philosophical Meaning of Television Images" The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art 30(2009) : 331-364.
Sun Kyu Ha. A Study on Aesthetic Properties and Culture-philosophical Meaning of Television Images. The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art, 30, 331-364.
Sun Kyu Ha. A Study on Aesthetic Properties and Culture-philosophical Meaning of Television Images. The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art. 2009; 30 331-364.
Sun Kyu Ha. A Study on Aesthetic Properties and Culture-philosophical Meaning of Television Images. 2009; 30 331-364.
Sun Kyu Ha. "A Study on Aesthetic Properties and Culture-philosophical Meaning of Television Images" The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art 30(2009) : 331-364.