title={The Virtuality of Ecological Art Seen Through Bergson's View of Nature},
journal={The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art},
AU - 김성하
TI - The Virtuality of Ecological Art Seen Through Bergson's View of Nature
JO - The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art
PY - 2013
VL - 39
IS - null
PB - 한국미학예술학회
SP - 119
EP - 150
SN - 1229-0246
AB - This thesis draws out the ecological philosophy within Bergson's view of nature and addresses art to interpret this ecological paradigm shift. The processes within this thesis include, seeking of ecological alternative art through Bergson's view of nature of creative evolution and generative art of generative processes(i.e. Collage Machine). With these findings, the meaning of the existence of art is redefined.
By taking Bergson's ecological view of nature through the creative evolution viewpoint, ultimately, Bergson is producing a philosophy, where the grounds for freedom of all existence is established. Bergson's eventual intention is to show existence itself as positive. And this becomes the indispensable factor within the ecological paradigm shift. Also, Bergson expresses this as the endless directions that the processes of change can take, which is the infinite freedom of all existence and the realization of happiness. And this is because, the change of countless heterogeneous differences in life and the processes of generation itself signifies the durational nature of life, which is itself, freedom.
As is philosophy or science, art too, tries to understand and represent the world. Therefore, art within the ecological paradigm shift, must penetrate to express the essence of the relationships between art and environment, and humans and the world. Hence, ecological alternative art mustn't be art that expresses as objects but art, which expresses through the generative process. The realization of Bergson's creative evolutional view of nature is within art, which reveals through this generative relationship. Within this context, art being one of many human actions, ecological alternative art's role and function must be: works that generate countless differences, which signifies freedom, and simultaneously, praxis of this freedom. Therefore, the meaning of art's existence, its concept and its definition, is a creative evolution consisting of the processes of constant generation and change.
KW - Henri Bergson;creative evolution;generative;life metaphysics;evolution theory;ecology;ecology art;Andruid Kerne;Collage Machine;generative art;interactive art;computer art;AI life art
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김성하. (2013). The Virtuality of Ecological Art Seen Through Bergson's View of Nature. The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art, 39, 119-150.
김성하. 2013, "The Virtuality of Ecological Art Seen Through Bergson's View of Nature", The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art, vol.39, pp.119-150.
김성하 "The Virtuality of Ecological Art Seen Through Bergson's View of Nature" The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art 39 pp.119-150 (2013) : 119.
김성하. The Virtuality of Ecological Art Seen Through Bergson's View of Nature. 2013; 39 119-150.
김성하. "The Virtuality of Ecological Art Seen Through Bergson's View of Nature" The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art 39(2013) : 119-150.
김성하. The Virtuality of Ecological Art Seen Through Bergson's View of Nature. The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art, 39, 119-150.
김성하. The Virtuality of Ecological Art Seen Through Bergson's View of Nature. The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art. 2013; 39 119-150.
김성하. The Virtuality of Ecological Art Seen Through Bergson's View of Nature. 2013; 39 119-150.
김성하. "The Virtuality of Ecological Art Seen Through Bergson's View of Nature" The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art 39(2013) : 119-150.