This study attempts to introduce and explicate interpretive methodology of research for public administration in Korean Public Administration Society. Interpretive methodology is contrasted with positivist methodology in many respects. Those respects are assumptions of ontology and epistemology, research orientation, design attitude, preparing for generating data, generating data in the field and archives, analyzing data, evaluative criteria.
Firstly, interpretive methodology is based on subjective philosophy of ontology and epistemology, and oriented toward meaning-making, contextuality, hermeneutic- phenomenological sensibility, constitutive causality.
Secondly, interpretive methodology use abductive logic of inquiry, prior knowledge and expectation(preunderstanding), dynamic flexible research design, and regards agents(subjects) as participants in research and research as world-making.
Thirdly, in preparing for generating data, interpretive methodology use educated provisional sense-making, start with prior knowledge, hermeneutic circle-spiral, access and choice of settings, actors, archives, documents et al.
Fourthly, in generating data in the field and archives, interpretive methodology makes maps for exposer and intertextuality, bottom-up and in situ concept and theory development, explores of concepts in ordinary language, local knowledge terms, revises design as needed.
Fifthly, in analyzing data, interpretive methodology use hermeneutic sensibility, namely, coherence and logic of argumentation.
Finally, evaluative criteria of results of interpretive methodology are interpretation criteria(thick description, reflexivity, mutual review) and understanding criteria (authenticity, transferability, action orientation).