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A study of the effects of tracking on the fluency in English conversation.

  • Modern English Education
  • Abbr : MEESO
  • 2014, 15(3), pp.263~276
  • Publisher : The Modern English Education Society
  • Research Area : Humanities > English Language and Literature > English Language Teaching

Seung-Jae Moon 1 Han. Ho 1




The present study is another effort to investigate the effectiveness of ‘tracking’ inimproving fluency of English speaking by EFL learners. Moon & Han (2013) alreadyestablished the fact that the subject EFL learners significantly improved theirnaturalness in English reading after they practiced their pronunciation through tracking. The present study compared the naturalness of spontaneous speaking of theexperimental group, who were given 11 tracking exercises, with that of the controlgroup. To ensure the true ‘speaking’ environment, subjects were interviewed by nativeEnglish speakers in pre- and post-experiment sessions. Three native English speakersevaluated the naturalness of all subjects’ spontaneous speaking with respect to fiveareas: General Impression(GI), Segmental Pronunciation(SP), Stress & Intonation(SI),Thought Groups(TG), and Speaking Rate(SR). The results showed that theexperimental group significantly outperformed the control group in most areas (exceptin SI and SR), demonstrating that tracking can be a very useful tool to improve Englishspeaking skills not only in a guided speech setting (recording reading) but also in anatural speech setting (conversation).

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