This study analyzed the research trends and methodologies through meta analysis method on theissues of ICT policy and e-government in Korean major journals and proceedings including KoreanAssociation of Public Administration (KAPA), Korean Association of Policy Studies (KAPS), and Korean Journal ofInformation Policy of NIA (National Information Agency). The results showed that methodology has changed fromexplorative study with conceptualization to experimental study with theoretical model and cases. Qualitativeapproaches including case studies and description with policy implications were employed more as analyses tools. In terms of contents, system effectiveness and e-governance issues prevailed in the early 2000s, and since then,it has changed into ICT-based social changes and looking for generalization of theories including e-democracy,e-service, e-participation, digital divide, and post-information society. Now we are facing another ICT revolutionof social network via web3.0 and gov3.0 and it is time to open a new theoretical debate, deconstruction ofdiscourse, and collaborative perspective among different disciplines.