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Analysis of ‘Yi-geot’, ‘Geu-geot’, and ‘Jeo-geot’ in the dictionary description

  • Korean Semantics
  • 2009, 29(), pp.229-250
  • Publisher : The Society Of Korean Semantics
  • Research Area : Humanities > Korean Language and Literature

조은경 1 Young Gyun Han 2

1안양대학교 인문과학연구소



EunKyoung Jo, YoungGyun Han. 2009. Analysis of ‘Yi-geot’, ‘Geu-geot’, and ‘Jeo-geot’ in the dictionary description. Korean Semantics, 29. This paper analyzes on the usages of referring expression, ‘yi-geot’, ‘geu-geot’, ‘jeo-geot’ on the topic-oriented discourse, that is ‘to describe the meaning of the dictionary entry’. ‘Yi-geot’ is more topic-oriented referring expression. ‘geu-geot’ and ‘yi-geot’ is alternative, though ‘yi-geot’ is more acceptable than ‘geu-geot’ when the referring expression describes about the topic, entry. As the usage of referring expression is various, and their antecendent distributions are broad, the referential uncertainty grows. The entropy of referring expression reflecting the uncertainty is equal to the information achieved by interpreting the referring expression.

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