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The Affixation and Semantic Features of Korean Verbs

  • Korean Semantics
  • 2019, 64(), pp.155-178
  • DOI : 10.19033/sks.2019.6.64.155
  • Publisher : The Society Of Korean Semantics
  • Research Area : Humanities > Korean Language and Literature
  • Received : May 20, 2019
  • Accepted : June 19, 2019
  • Published : June 30, 2019

Lee Keumhee 1




In this paper, we examined the process of grammaticalized examples of Affixation in Korean Verbs. Some have grammatized the suffix after this composition of ‘N + V’ or V1 + V2’ becomes a compound word. Another thing is that ‘V2’ in the ‘V1-eo(어) + V2’ structure is grammatically translated as an auxiliary verb, and these are further converted into grammatical suffixes. This suffixs, for example ‘-kutda(궂다)’, ‘-nada(나다)’, ‘-matda(맞다)’, ‘-meokda(먹다)’ etc. are suffixed in the ‘N + V’ structure, and ‘-chida(치다), -ttrida(뜨리다)’ are examples of suffixing of following verbs in ‘V1 + V2’ structure. And ‘-eottrida(어뜨리다)’, ‘-eochida(어치다)’ and so on are suffixed examples from the auxiliary verb phrase. Other papers have seen the process of grammaticalization in as a monotone step of ‘ main verb> (compoud verb)> auxiliary verb> suffix’. In this paper, we propose that there may be a process of ‘main verb> (compoud verb)> suffix’ and another process of ‘main verb> auxiliary verb> suffix’. And some of them are semi-suffixed, which is an intermediate stage between auxiliary verbs and suffixes. Some are suffixed in the ‘N + V’ structure, which leads to a change in the part of speech with meaning addition. In the ‘V1 + V2’ structure, the suffixed examples add meaning only without changing the part of speech. In the auxiliary verb constructions, the suffixed example, ‘-eottrida(어뜨리다), - eochida(어치다)’ does not change the part of speech, but adds new meaning. However, ‘-eojida(어지다), -eohada(어하다)’ causes a change of speech.

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