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2022, Vol.79, No.1

Surface, Point, Line and Network
Kim, Jongil | 2022, 79(1) | pp.9~47 | number of Cited : 3
Network Visualization and the Utilization of Archaeological Data The Example of Nangnang (Lelang) Tombs
Ilhong Ko | 2022, 79(1) | pp.49~84 | number of Cited : 5
The Applicable Potential of Using Network Analysis Methods for Historical and Archaeological Research - Focusing on Ancient Beads Excavated from the Yeongsan River Basin and Gaya Region
Park Junyoung | 2022, 79(1) | pp.85~115 | number of Cited : 5
Writing and Publication of Hwanghwasuchang Manuscript Poems
Duksoo Kim | 2022, 79(1) | pp.119~154 | number of Cited : 2
A Study on a Local Korean Confucian Scholar’s Process of Migration to Deokheungbo (德兴堡), Fengtian, and the Driving Force Behind His Return in the 1910’s Focusing on the Case of Seocheon Jo Jeonggyu
Han, GilRo | 2022, 79(1) | pp.155~180 | number of Cited : 6
The Antinomy and the Transition of Freedom faced by Modern People In Relation to the Modernity of Han Yong-un’s Poem
Igkyun Kim | 2022, 79(1) | pp.181~209 | number of Cited : 0
Using Social Network Analysis to the Poetry Magazines of Literary Coterie and Poets of the Late 1930s
Lee Yumi , Ba-Ro Kim | 2022, 79(1) | pp.212~245 | number of Cited : 4
Discovery of ‘So-nyeon (少年)’ and Narrative of ‘Becoming a Nation’ on Display
Kim Hee Kyung | 2022, 79(1) | pp.247~280 | number of Cited : 3
(Re)constructing the Korean War Period Yom Sang-seop’s Hongyeom-Saseon
YU, SEOHYUN | 2022, 79(1) | pp.281~316 | number of Cited : 2
Women and Politics in Yeom Sang-seop’s Novels of the 1950s Focusing on Yeom Sangseop’s By Inheritance
Yoon, Kuk-hee | 2022, 79(1) | pp.317~350 | number of Cited : 1
Is it Impossible to Mourn the Martyr? With a Focus on Kim Chiha’s Aerin
Seo Yoon Choi | 2022, 79(1) | pp.351~396 | number of Cited : 2
The Origin and Development of Breastfeeding Promotion in Korea : From Consumer Movement to the Medium of Medicalization and Commodification
Park Seungmann | 2022, 79(1) | pp.397~427 | number of Cited : 1
Beyond Model Minority Challenges and Paths Forward for the Immigrant Minority Narrative as Seen Through Min Jin Lee’s Pachinko
Na Boryeong | 2022, 79(1) | pp.429~461 | number of Cited : 16
Study of Measures for Concretizing the ‘Character-Goal’ Path Setting for a Creative Writing Method Focused on the Composition/Utilization of the Initial Value of Characters, the Turn of Events and the Reversal of the Narrative
Arum Song , PARK MIRAN | 2022, 79(1) | pp.463~496 | number of Cited : 1
How Valid Are the Implicational Relationships between Plosives?
Lee Jin-Ho | 2022, 79(1) | pp.497~524 | number of Cited : 0
Representing Iran Memoirs by Iranian Writers in the US
Jeong, Sangjun | 2022, 79(1) | pp.525~563 | number of Cited : 0