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Ownership Patterns of Reclaimed Land Near the Seokjang State Farm in the Early 1910s

  • Journal of Humanities, Seoul National University
  • 2024, 81(3), pp.41-69
  • Publisher : Institute of Humanities, Seoul National University
  • Research Area : Humanities > Other Humanities
  • Received : July 15, 2024
  • Accepted : August 7, 2024
  • Published : August 31, 2024

Hanbit Kim 1




This article aims to examine the ownership situation of the so-called reclaimed land around the Seokjang State Farm within Siheung City during the 1910s. Through this work, the concentration of land ownership among a few landlords and the relationship between soil fertility and land ownership status will be analyzed. The reclaimed land around the Seokjang State Farm is surrounded by the sea and hills, with most of the cultivated land being rice paddies. The abundance of related materials made it easy to verify the ownership situation in the 1910s. It was found that the taxation value of the land and its fertility had a correlation. Moreover, absentee landlords living in Seoul owned more than half of the reclaimed land area. Land ownership was concentrated among a few individuals, especially the Imperial Noble Consort Sunheon, who was a powerful figure at the time, owning the largest amount of land in the area, which was also more fertile compared to other landlords. When compared with the ownership patterns of neighboring areas that are not reclaimed land, this concentration of land ownership among a few landlords appears to be a unique phenomenon in the reclaimed land around the Seokjang State Farm.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.