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2002, Vol.10, No.2

On Typology of Speech Errors: With Reference to Mass Media Texts
KOO HYUN JUNG | 2002, 10(2) | pp.1~24 | number of Cited : 12
?Sociolinguistic Study on Newspaper Titles
Ujin Kwon | 2002, 10(2) | pp.25~58 | number of Cited : 22
A Study of Cognitive Process on the Korean Language: With the Verb
변정민 | 2002, 10(2) | pp.87~108 | number of Cited : 1
Sociolinguistic Analysis on the Sentence- final Moods of Internet Communication Language
Lee Jeongbok | 2002, 10(2) | pp.109~136 | number of Cited : 22
Sociolinguistics and Korean Language Education
Lee, Eunhee | 2002, 10(2) | pp.137~158 | number of Cited : 7
A Study of Immersion Model through Content-Based Instruction
Kyung-Ae Cha | 2002, 10(2) | pp.159~180 | number of Cited : 3
Co-Construction as an Interactional Achievement in Korean Conversation
Haeyeon Kim | 2002, 10(2) | pp.181~212 | number of Cited : 5
Interactive Classroom Discourse as Context of Learning and Socialization
Kim Kyu-hyun | 2002, 10(2) | pp.213~242 | number of Cited : 4
Anxiety and Relations of Power: An Interview Study of Two Korean ESL Learners
Park, Nam-Kyu | 2002, 10(2) | pp.243~264 | number of Cited : 1
The Grammar of the Naming of Brands in Korean: The Case of Cosmetics
Jinhee Suh | 2002, 10(2) | pp.265~282 | number of Cited : 7
The Korean Sentence-final Marker cianha in Conversational Discourse
Kyung-Hee Suh | 2002, 10(2) | pp.283~310 | number of Cited : 14