/ Classification S. 41; S. 9. Autopsie de cadavres des Morts Chams
/ NAC Box 138. RSC No. 1347
: ~
/ 1924
/ Gouverment Général de l’Indochine: Direction de l’Instruction Publique: Decisions regarding the hours of Primary Superieur Franco-Indigene Education and Secondary Franco-Indigene education
/ NAC Box 438. Old code: M 441. Older Code: M 632. Originally from the Central Library of Cambodia, no. 3079
/ Correspondance relative aux pagodes et mosquées dans la province de Battambang [Correspondance related to the Pagodas and Mosques in the Province of Battambang]
/ NAC Box 653. RSC File No. 7668. (1901–27). Classification: F. 941
/ 1934
/ Fermeture des écoles Malaisies clandestines situées à Phnom Penh [Closure of Clandestine Malay Schools located in Phnom Penh]
/ NAC Box 745. RSC File 8465. Classification R. 29
/ Tribunal correctionnel de Battambang: affaire judiciaire de vol commis par trois Malais [Criminal Court of Battambang: A Criminal Case of Theft Committed by Three Malays]
/ NAC Box 811. RSC File 9200. (1905–11)
/ Résidence de Kompong Chhnang. AS de la nomination des chefs pour les mosquées Cham [Residence of Kampong Chnnang: On the Subject of the Appointment of Heads of Cham Mosques]
/ NAC Box 2968. RSC File 25968. Classification: F99. (1918–19)
/ 1929
/ Relevant de ses fonctions d’Oknha Reachea Pheak Koey, Montrey Changvang Nong Chef de mosquée Cham du khum de Khleang Sbek nord, Khand de Ponhea Lu, Kandal [Royay Ordanance no. 74 (September 10, 1929). [Falling under the functions of the Oknha Reachea Pheak Koey, Montrey Changvang Nong, head of the Cham Mosque, khum Kleang Sbek north, khand Ponhea Lu, Kandal]
/ NAC Box 3052. RSC File 27641. Classification: C.012. OR no. 74
/ 1924
/ Nommant le sieur Kim-Man chef de mosquée Cham de Svai-Chrum, srok de Khasach-Kandal (Kandal) [Naming Mr. Kim Man, Chief of the Cham Mosque of Svoai-Chrum, srok Khasach-Kandal (Kandal)]
/ NAC Box 3310. RSC File 30285. Classification F. 99. AM. N. 158
/ 1934
/ Nommant les sieurs Hadji-Salai-Man et Hadji-Sam-Sou respectivement chef (Préa mékémaven 6 pâns de dignité) et sous-chef de mosquée cham de Naparat-Botoum-Bochantréa de Vat Dangker (Battambang) [Ministerial Order no. 53 April 17, 1934: Appointing Mr. Hadji Salai Man and Mr. Hadji Sam Sou, respectively, to the Chief (Preah Mekemavan with 6 stripes of dignity) and Senior Assistant of the Cham Mosque in Naparat Botoum Bochantreah of Wat Dangker (Battambang)]
/ NAC Box 3310. RSC File 30380. Classification: F. 99. AM. N. 53
/ 1937
/ Classification F. 74. Circulaire du RSC au sujet d’une enquête pour déterminer si les habitants désignés sous le nom de “Malais” sont en réalité des Chams [A circular note regarding a survey to determine whether or not the people designated as “Malays” are in reality Cham]
/ NAC Box 3674. RSC File 35468
/ 1933
/ Note sur l’affaire de la mosquée de Saigon, Commissariat de la Police des Ports de Saigon, Cholon [Note on the case of the mosque of Saigon, Commissariat Police Reports of the Ports of Saigon and Cholon]
/ Goucoch divers
Hồ Sơ
/ 1951
/ Tờ trình của Phủ Thủ hiến Trung Việt về tình hình chính tự, hành chánh, kinh tế, xã hội của các làng Chàm thuộc tỉnh Ninh Thuận [Report of the Government Premiers of Central Vietnam regarding the general situation, administrative, economics, and social circumstances of all the Cham villages in the province of Ninh Thuận]
/ Hồ Sơ 3001
/ 1975
/ Từ ngày 25/02/1958 đến ngày 24/4/1975. Về hoạt động của Hiệp hội Chàm Hồi giáo [From 25/02/1958 to 04/24/1975. On the activities of the Association of Cham Islam]
/ Hồ Sơ 31692
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/ The Cham Bani of Vietnam
/ The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences
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/ 2009
/ Making Modern Muslims: The Politics of Islamic Education in Southeast Asia
/ University of Hawai’i Press
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/ 2008
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/ IRASEC and Silkworm Books
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/ National Archives of Cambodia Box 437. ID: 9.512. Old Code: P. 562. Formerly held in the Buddhist Institute of Cambodia
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/ Brill
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/ Bulletin de l'Ecole Française d'Extrême-Orient, (BEFEO)
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/ 1989
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