author={Cholho Choi},
title={Korean Unification and the Land Policy of North Korea},
journal={Public Land Law Review},
AU - Cholho Choi
TI - Korean Unification and the Land Policy of North Korea
JO - Public Land Law Review
PY - 2009
VL - 43
IS - 3
PB - Korean Public Land Law Association
SP - 151
EP - 176
SN - 1226-251X
AB - The Land policy of North Korea which is having basically socialistic possession system is essentially difference to system of South Korea which is having private possession principle.
Land use system of North Korea is not organized the planning system which considers a development and preservation because Land use system of North Korea is not developed the system of the land use planning which can design the zoining(land use for purpose) into land.
After unification problem of right of ownership which has been illegally confiscated by North Korea authorities would be very important. We have to deal with not only policy that return to original land owner by our constitutional 23rd article but also stabilization of North Korea resident's livehood and reconstruction of North Korea economy.
It would be needed strategic access method to apply to North Korea as the land use policy which hold a policy at step by step. 1st step is at the preparation phase that introduce free market economy system to North Korea, 2nd step is to enlarge the landowning and use under free market economy system, 3rd step is to integrate landowning and use system of South and North Korea .
This paper is introducing two important policies. the one is the land public lease system which in order to prevent a speculative buying by land development. the other is the development act license system which in order to prepare to sprawl for the urban development and the industry site.
KW - 몰수토지(confiscated land);원소유자반환원칙(return to original land owner);개발행위허가제(zoining);토지공공임대제(the development act license system);토지이용계획(the land public lease system)
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Cholho Choi. (2009). Korean Unification and the Land Policy of North Korea. Public Land Law Review, 43(3), 151-176.
Cholho Choi. 2009, "Korean Unification and the Land Policy of North Korea", Public Land Law Review, vol.43, no.3 pp.151-176.
Cholho Choi "Korean Unification and the Land Policy of North Korea" Public Land Law Review 43.3 pp.151-176 (2009) : 151.
Cholho Choi. Korean Unification and the Land Policy of North Korea. 2009; 43(3), 151-176.
Cholho Choi. "Korean Unification and the Land Policy of North Korea" Public Land Law Review 43, no.3 (2009) : 151-176.
Cholho Choi. Korean Unification and the Land Policy of North Korea. Public Land Law Review, 43(3), 151-176.
Cholho Choi. Korean Unification and the Land Policy of North Korea. Public Land Law Review. 2009; 43(3) 151-176.
Cholho Choi. Korean Unification and the Land Policy of North Korea. 2009; 43(3), 151-176.
Cholho Choi. "Korean Unification and the Land Policy of North Korea" Public Land Law Review 43, no.3 (2009) : 151-176.