/ 광주고등법원 2009.01.08.선고 2008누586 판결
/ 2008
/ 환경성을 고려한 태양광, 풍력발전소 입지선정 가이드라인
/ 2013
/ 제주도 육상풍력발전지구 지정과정 비판과 정책적 제도적 개선방향
/ 제주도의회 풍력토론회 발제문
/ 2007
/ 독일 재생에너지(풍력) 발전원 보급촉진정책과 우리나라 정책에서 보완되어야 할점
/ 한국태양에너지학회지
: 21~
/ 2014
/ 육상풍력 개발사업 지형변화지수 연구
/ 한국환경정책 평가연구원
/ 대법원 2003.9.5.선고, 2001다68358 판결
/ 2009
/ 행정법신론
/ 박영사
/ 2011
/ 행정법 강의
/ 박영사
/ 2009
/ 풍력발전시설에서 발생하는 환경소음 및 저주파음의 영향
/ 한국환경정책ㆍ 평가연구원 기초연구
/ 2013
/ 앞뒤 바뀐 제주 풍력 발전지구 지정
/ 노컷뉴스
/ 2016
/ 파리협정과 기후․에너지 정책의 방향
/ 제1회 서울에너지포럼 자료집 서울특별시
/ 2005
/ 에너지와 환경
/ 녹문당
/ 2016
/ 파리기후협약의 주요내용과 한국의 대응 방안
/ 제1회 서울에너지포럼 자료집 서울특별시
/ 2009
/ 재생에너지의 환경성 평가 및 환경 친화적 개발Ⅰ : 태양광 및 풍력 에너지를 중심으로
/ 한국환경정책ㆍ평가연구원
/ 2015
/ 조선일보
: A35~
/ 2013
/ 한국농민신문 보도자료
Alan J. Alexander
/ 2011
/ The Texas Wind Estate: Wind as a Natural Resource and Severable Property Interest
/ U. MICH. Journal of Law Reform
: 429~
/ Alexander, supra note 97, at 444-45
/ Broughton v. Humble Oil & Refining Co., 105 SW2d 480
/ Brown v. Humble Oil & Ref. Co., 83 S. W.2d 935, 940(Tex. 1935); Polston, supra note 73, at 552
/ 1895
/ Brown v. Spillman 155 U.S. 665 (1895); Walls v. Midland Carbon Co., 254 U.S. 300 (1920)
/ Choctaw, Okla. & Tex. R. R. Co. v. True, 80 S.W. 120 (Tex. Civ. App.-Fort Worth 1904, no writ) at 121
/ Climate Change Act, 2008, Part 1. section 1. Target for 2050
/ Contra Costa Water Dist. v. Vaquero Farms, Inc., 68 Cal. Rptr. 2d 272, 290 (Ct. App. 1997); supra note 2, at 87
/ Contra Costa, 68 Cal. Rptr. 2d at 272
/ Contra Costa, 68 Cal. Rptr. 2d at 278
Dennis Y. C. Leung
/ 2012
/ Wind energy development and its environmental impact: A review
/ Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
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/ DuVivier, supra note 2, at 90
/ Eliff v. Texon Drilling Co., 210 S.W.2d 558, 561-62 (Tex. 1948)
/ 2015
/ Global Wind Report Annual Market Update 2014
/ Global Wind Energy Council
: 74~
/ 1924
/ Severance of title or rights to oil and gas in place from title to surface
/ A.L.R
: 586~
/ Jones v. State, 45 SW2d 612
Joseph, T Kelliher
/ 2009
/ The Changing Landscape of Federal Energy Law
/ Administration Law Review
: 611~
K. K. DuVivier
/ 2014
/ Sins of the Father, Foot Note 78
/ Journal of Real Propery Law
: 401~
/ Kramer & Anderson, supra note 76, at 906
Md Maruf Hossain
/ 2015
/ Future research directions for the wind turbine generator system
/ Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
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Meyerhoff, Jörgen
/ 2010
/ Landscape externalities from onshore wind power
/ Energy Policy
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/ Promotion of Renewable Energy Act, 1:2(2), 2008
/ Promotion of Renewable Energy Act, 2:21(2), 2013
/ Promotion of Renewable Energy Act, Act no. 1392, 27 December 2008
/ Promotion of Renewable Energy Act, Act no. 641, 12 June 2013
/ Renfro v. Hanon, 130 N.E. 740, 741 (Ill, 1921)
Rohlf, Daniel
/ 2014
/ Is Green Energy Bad for the Environment?
/ 2014 환경법센터 국제학술대회
/ 강원대학교 비교법학연구소 환경법센터
: 92~
Ronald W. Polston
/ 1994
/ Mineral Ownership Theory: Doctrine in Disarray
/ N. D. L. REV
: 541~
/ Russ, supra note 149, at 5-5
Saidur, R.
/ 2011
/ Environmental impact of wind energy
/ Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
: 2423~2430
Shifeng Wang
/ 2015
/ Impacts of wind energy on environment: A review
/ Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
: 437~443
/ Sipriano v. Great Spring Waters of America, Inc., 1SW3rd 75
/ supra note 153
: 4.02~
/ Southwest Weather Research, Inc. v. Rounsaville, 320 SW2d 211
/ State v. Bartee, 894 S.W.2d34, 41 (TEX. App.-San Antonio 1994, no pet.)
/ State v. Bartee, 894 SW2d 34
Texas. House of Representatives House Research Organization
/ 2008
/ Capturing The Wind: The Challenges of a New Energy Source in Texas, No. 80-9
/ Walls v. Midland Cabon Col., 254 U.S. 300 (1920)
/ Westmoreland & Cambira Natural Gas Co. v. De Witt. Mitchell, supra note 79, at 381
/ Westmoreland & Cambria Natural Gas Co. v. De Witt, 18 A. 724, 725 (Pa. 1889)