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2014, Vol.38, No.2

Impact of Tourists' Authenticity Experiences on their Post-Tour Assessment at a Cultural Heritage Site: Moderating Effects of their Motives
Choi, Jeong-Ja | 2014, 38(2) | pp.11~32 | number of Cited : 23
Examining the Customer Equity Driver Influence on Customer Loyalty in a Travel Fair: A Focus on the Mediating and Moderating Role of Involvement
Yoo, Kwang-Min , Kwon Yoo Hong | 2014, 38(2) | pp.33~56 | number of Cited : 2
Placeness Formation of Cultural Tourism Space by Industrial Heritage’s Reuse
JEONG DAE YOUNG , Yoon Ji-Hwan | 2014, 38(2) | pp.57~78 | number of Cited : 26
An Analysis on the Factors Affecting the Tourism Behavior by Adopting the Extended Theory of Planned Behavior: Focusing on Structural Tourism Constraints and Social Classes
Seong, Bo Hyun , Choi, Seung-Dam | 2014, 38(2) | pp.79~101 | number of Cited : 48
A Study on Factors Affecting Medical Travelers’ Healthcare Utilization for Healthcare Service Overseas Expansion: Focusing on Health Examination Center in Hong Kong
Changwoo Shon , 이선주 | 2014, 38(2) | pp.103~126 | number of Cited : 5
Development of Effect Management Model for Small Island Eco-tourists
Chul Jeong , Choi, Seung-Mook | 2014, 38(2) | pp.127~150 | number of Cited : 2
A Study on the Nonadism of Backpacking
Song Young-Min , Kang, Jun-soo | 2014, 38(2) | pp.151~169 | number of Cited : 5