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2021, Vol.45, No.4

A Phenomenological Understanding on the Meaning of Operating Korea Noble House Stay: Applying the concept of struggles for recognition
cho ok seon , Kim, Hyoung-gon | 2021, 45(4) | pp.9~27 | number of Cited : 1
A Qualitative Research on the Consumer Experience and Service Quality of O2O Mobile Delivery App - A Focus Group Interview Method-
JO MI NA , Han, Ju-Hyoung | 2021, 45(4) | pp.29~54 | number of Cited : 9
Priority Analysis of the Integrated Resort Impact Assessment indicators using AHP
Bong, Mi Hee , Seo, Won Seok | 2021, 45(4) | pp.55~73 | number of Cited : 6
The Effect of Defect of Ugly Food on Perceived Quality, Authenticity, Intention to Purchase, and Willingness to Pay Premium: Organic label and Environmental Concerns as Moderating Variables
Lee, Sin-Ae , Hwang Johye | 2021, 45(4) | pp.75~101 | number of Cited : 4
The Structural Relationship among Restaurant’s Self-service Usability, Customer Satisfaction, e-Wom, and Brand Commitment: Moderating role of Self-service Type
Jiwon Park , Lee, Hyung-ryong | 2021, 45(4) | pp.103~129 | number of Cited : 14
Regional and Stronghold LCC Strategies for Regional Economic Revitalization : A case of Jeju Air and Jeju Airport
Lee Hyejeong , Wangoo Lee , Chul Jeong | 2021, 45(4) | pp.131~155 | number of Cited : 1
Travel Service Satisfaction, Happiness and the Revisit Intention based on the Smart Tourism Technologies
Park, Jaeeun , Eunji Lee , CHUNG NAMHO and 1 other persons | 2021, 45(4) | pp.157~183 | number of Cited : 20
Research Trend Analysis of International Students in the Tourism Journals in Korea : A Review of KCI Papers Published in 2007~2020
Sukbin Cha | 2021, 45(4) | pp.185~210 | number of Cited : 7