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Breaking the Glass-Ceiling: A Phenomenological Analysis of Personal Strategies by Female Army Leaders

Jeong, Seon Young 1 Lee Jee Young 2 Seung Yeon Son 3

1대한민국 육군 장교



Domestic research on the concept of the glass ceiling has primarily been quantitative, focusing on the challenges and negative impacts caused by this phenomenon. However, there has been limited exploration on how to overcome them. This study aims to address this gap by examining the personal strategies used by female military leaders who have overcome the glass ceiling in a traditionally male-dominated organization. Employing Giorgi’s phenomenological method, a qualitative study was conducted to examine the context and circumstances of the personal strategies for breaking the glass ceiling. Over a four-month period, interviews averaging a duration of 1 hour and 30 minutes were conducted with nine female army officers of the rank of lieutenant colonel or higher. Through this process, 26 central meanings, 13 revealed themes, and 6 essential themes were derived, and the essential themes of the personal strategy were identified as “adaptation and response strategies,” “work capability verification strategies,” “external force utilization strategies,” “network construction strategies,” “limited belief response strategies,” and “internal motivation strategies. “The strategies identified in this study offer valuable insights into breaking the glass ceiling not only for female soldiers but also for women in various organizations, and can provide practical implications for organizations.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.