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2005, Vol.18, No.4

Prediction of 17-month-old infants' global Intelligence from 6-month-old infants' visual recognition memory and specific cognitive abilities
Hyunran Sung , Hee-og Sim , kjkwak and 2 other persons | 2005, 18(4) | pp.1~15 | number of Cited : 5
Gender differences in emotion recognition,affective perspective taking, and causal attribution of emotion of 4-year-old children
SONG, HANA | 2005, 18(4) | pp.17~33 | number of Cited : 11
Adaptive values of children's self-overestimation
Shin, Hye Eun , David, F. Bjorklund | 2005, 18(4) | pp.35~49 | number of Cited : 6
Moral Emotions in Juvenile Offenders on Probation and Comparison Adolescents
이희정 , Sungchil Lee | 2005, 18(4) | pp.51~67 | number of Cited : 8
The Effects of Adolescents’ Biological and Subjective age on their Problem Behavior
Hwee-Sook Jang , 정윤경 | 2005, 18(4) | pp.69~86 | number of Cited : 4
Age differences in satisfaction with life
Myung-Sook Chung | 2005, 18(4) | pp.87~108 | number of Cited : 78
Development of Proportional Reasoning:Why are some proportional reasoning tasks more difficult than others?
정윤경 | 2005, 18(4) | pp.109~127 | number of Cited : 3