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2016, Vol.29, No.4

The influence of job-related stress and resilience on work-life balance in male employees in their thirties and forties
HyeOnKim , 서상숙 | 2016, 29(4) | pp.1~22 | number of Cited : 35
Effects of Effort - VS. Trait-based Success Expectation on Children’s Task Performance
PARKJINIEE , PARK, DAEUN | 2016, 29(4) | pp.23~35 | number of Cited : 2
The effect of reward type on cognitive control in young and old adults
김현옥 , JIN YOUNG-SUN | 2016, 29(4) | pp.37~59 | number of Cited : 2
Relationships between Father Persona and Parenting Behaviors Perceived by Children: Gender Differences in College Students
Cho Soon-Ok , Chae, SooEun | 2016, 29(4) | pp.61~80 | number of Cited : 6
Communicative Perspective-taking: The Egocentric Bias and the Role of Executive Function
Hyeon Jin Lee , 권은영 , 전시현 | 2016, 29(4) | pp.81~100 | number of Cited : 5
Emotional Information Processing in Depressed Older Adults and College Students: Attention and Memory Biases
김유진 , YEONWOOK KANG | 2016, 29(4) | pp.101~121 | number of Cited : 10
Relationships of Maternal Separation Anxiety, Overprotection, Separation - Individuation in Adolescent Children and Psychological Adaptation
이인영 , CHONG,YOUNG-SOOK | 2016, 29(4) | pp.123~144 | number of Cited : 15
Development of disfluency use in inferring speakers’ intention
주나래 , Choi, Young-on | 2016, 29(4) | pp.145~158 | number of Cited : 0