/ RG59, Records of the Office of the Foreign Liquidation Commissioner, Entry400, Box1, The History of Foreign Surplus Property Disposal 1945-1949, Vol.I The Administration of the Office of the Foreign Liquidation Commissioner
/ RG59, Records of the Office of the Foreign Liquidation Commissioner, General Records 1945-49, Entry400, Box4, An Estimate of the Problems Involved in Surplus Disposal by the Office of the Army-Navy Liquidation Commissioner
/ RG59, Records of the Office of the Foreign Liquidation Commissioner, General Records, Entry401, Box87, Records of the Office of the Foreign Liquidation Commissioner, Historical File, 1945-1949
/ RG59, Records of Office of the Foreign Liquidation Commissioner, General Records, 1945-49, Entry401, Box97, Legislation, Regulations and orders Pertaining to FOREIGN SURPLUS DISPOSAL
/ RG59, Foreign Liquidation Commissioner, General Records, Entry404, Box7, Investigation of the National Defense Program
/ RG59, General Records of the Department of State, Entry5391, Box2, Subject Files of the ASST Legal Advisor for Economic Affairs, 1945-1966
/ RG332, Records of United Sates Theaters of War, WWⅡ, Box26, History of the National Economic Board, partⅡ Import-Export Policies and Procedures
/ RG338, Records of United States Army Forces in Korea Lt.Gen. John R. Hodge Official File 1944-1948, Entry11070, Box71, 092 International Affairs
/ RG469, Entry80, Box6, Minutes Prepared by the United States negotiating committee, Subject: Proposed Initial Financial and Property Settlement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Korea
The Board of Foreign Scholarships, Forty Years the Fulbright Program 1946-
/ 1986
/ The Board of Foreign Scholarships, Forty Years the Fulbright Program 1946-1986, 1986.12, Washington
/ 12
대한민국과 미합중국정부간의 재정 및 재산에 관한 최초협정에 의한 부채상환
/ 1953
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/ 한국현대사자료총서 3, 6
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/ 한국재정40년사 1
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/ 미국의 헤게모니와 한국 민족주의-냉전시대(1945-1965) 문화적 경계의 구축과 균열의 동반-
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/ 미군정기 지배구조와 한국사회
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/ The American Economic Review
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/ 1991
/ The Political Economy of Occupation United States Foreign Economic Policy in Korea, 1945-1949
/ DeKalb
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/ 미군정기와 대한민국 초기(1945~50년)물자수급정책연구
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/ 주한미군정의 점령행정과 법률심의국의 활동
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