Rev. Choi's Hyo(filial piety) movement based on Bible, began in 1995, has established Hyo-ethic system through Ethical approach, thus opened up the possibility of wide spread of filial piety.Hyo-ethic system has rooted from Ephesians Chapter 6, and has extracted the concept of a common Hyo from tradition of the East and West. It has the complex system of four parameters; obedience, agency, affection, and perpetuity.
To accelerate and deepen these studies, it seems necessary that analyzing context in Scriptures in terms of Divinity, as well as explaining ethic systems which have the possibility of universalization.
In Luke chapter 15 of the New Testament, Jesus directly taught the parable from which the following results could be derived in terms of the ethic system that has the possibility of universalization.
In the parable of lost son, the father and son relationship, based on love, compassion, and forgiveness, has functioned as the power of retrieve; the left and treason son had to do penance and to react to the return. In other words, father's endless love amid the failure and frustration provides strength and courage to get his life back.
The parable of the lost son in Luke chapter 15 shows father's affection prominently, but very little obedience, agency, and perpetuity can be found. Nevertheless, the relationship between father-son could be restored through personal conversation based on the father's affection-hyo. To minimize conflicts between family members in the diverse and complex society, it is essential to have effective communication based on affection of parents. The restoration of relationships through parent-child communication has a high priority in obeying God's missionary command.