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An Analysis of『Classic of Filial Piety』by Integration Theory of Ken Wilber

  • Journal of Korean Hyo Studies
  • 2014, (20), pp.79-105
  • Publisher : The Korean Hyo Studies Association
  • Research Area : Humanities > Other Humanities

Heewon Park 1




This paper is to the understanding and to awareness of 『Classic of Filial Piety』 in the paradigm of which Ken Wilber separated pre-modern, modern, post-modern in a new light. when it comes to, it enable to understand the objectives of the work environment and a work period of 『Classic of Filial Piety』 and to analyze according to the philosophical meaning of『Classic of Filial Piety』integration theory. We intend to seek to understand with the authorities『Classic of Filial Piety』circle by analysis , being based on a unified theory on the casualty of the implications of the Essence. On whether or not the ethics of governance for the maintenance of parks official's authority system, the human race, universal values presented by clarified that had the principle of a spiritual, 『Classic of Filial Piety』of social application. China's traditional society of a clan code system and family system has already characterized the land owners in an era of en, jou. family is unit as the basis of the social, economic livelihood and safety of individuals Educate andas a resting place at the same time the most significant source of social activity.Also, based on the ties of blood relatives have mastery of the national management of community and moving and played to become a driving force. 『Classic of Filial Piety』is the hierarchy 1, 2 and 3 rank according to the horizon line among the level of detail, and you can, 1 quadrant, to 2 quadrant, 3 quadrant, 4 quadrant, and sides of four categorized, but depending on your point of view. hierarchy 1 called traditional filial piety , hierarchy 2 introspective filial piety and 3 hierarchy were holistic filial piety named. filial piety is demonstrate, which could hit the contents and set off from‘Fear of filial piety’‘For traditional good filial behavior’. Only, a leader who will enlarge the scope of the target groups say it's a theory. Finally, whether individuals or groups based on filial piety, a group of leadership is defined with valuable to issue a statement.

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