author={Kim, MoonJeong},
title={Development of 'PUJA JAHYO' Programbased on positive psychology},
journal={Journal of Korean Hyo Studies},
AU - Kim, MoonJeong
TI - Development of 'PUJA JAHYO' Programbased on positive psychology
JO - Journal of Korean Hyo Studies
PY - 2015
VL - null
IS - 22
PB - The Korean Hyo Studies Association
SP - 141
EP - 172
SN - 1738-253X
AB - This study was designed to develop and verify the program that parents must be full of affection and sons and daughters must be devoted to their parents and intended to verify the effect. 'PUJA-JAHYO' program has applied with positive element as like parents and children experiencing happiness and developing positive thinking. For this program is developed for having a full of happiness and thankfullness to build strong relationships for parents and children. The meaning of 'PUJA-JAHYO' (parents must be full of affection and sons and daughters must be devoted to their parents) is a principle which has mutual direction, mutual responsibility, and alternate filial piety.
The constructs of 'PUJA-JAHYO' were selected for the purpose of the program based on the principle of 'PUJA-JAHYO' and positive elements were used as effective methods for this program. The developed program was applied to parents and their children and evaluated.
As a result, there weremeaningful effects in the statistics of PUJA and JAHYOprogram. The PUJA program helped parents establish parents' identity. In addition, the verification of the effects shows that JAHYO programencouraged children to care their parents and to promote the Perceptions of Filial Piety .
As a conclusion, this PUJA and JAHYO program was developed for the first time as the study of filial piety program on the mothers and their children at the same time. This study is significant as the first study which is experimented in this subject. This study contributes to developing and verifying a practical program applying an educational psychology system from positive perspective to have mutual direction, mutual responsibility, and alternate filial piety.
KW - PUJA JAHYO;Positive psychology;HYO Program
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Kim, MoonJeong. (2015). Development of 'PUJA JAHYO' Programbased on positive psychology. Journal of Korean Hyo Studies, 22, 141-172.
Kim, MoonJeong. 2015, "Development of 'PUJA JAHYO' Programbased on positive psychology", Journal of Korean Hyo Studies, no.22, pp.141-172.
Kim, MoonJeong "Development of 'PUJA JAHYO' Programbased on positive psychology" Journal of Korean Hyo Studies 22 pp.141-172 (2015) : 141.
Kim, MoonJeong. Development of 'PUJA JAHYO' Programbased on positive psychology. 2015; 22 : 141-172.
Kim, MoonJeong. "Development of 'PUJA JAHYO' Programbased on positive psychology" Journal of Korean Hyo Studies no.22(2015) : 141-172.
Kim, MoonJeong. Development of 'PUJA JAHYO' Programbased on positive psychology. Journal of Korean Hyo Studies, 22, 141-172.
Kim, MoonJeong. Development of 'PUJA JAHYO' Programbased on positive psychology. Journal of Korean Hyo Studies. 2015; 22 141-172.
Kim, MoonJeong. Development of 'PUJA JAHYO' Programbased on positive psychology. 2015; 22 : 141-172.
Kim, MoonJeong. "Development of 'PUJA JAHYO' Programbased on positive psychology" Journal of Korean Hyo Studies no.22(2015) : 141-172.