Purpose: Signs that are installed at unnoticeable places or that disconnect before the destination can bring errors of location information delivery. Therefore, this study aims to find out the spatial relation between structure of space and signs in the perspective of visual exposure possibility, operating arrangement and assesment by applying spatial structure theory. Methods: Effectiveness of organization of guidance signs was evaluated after the four way-finding factors(Plan Configuration, Sign System, Perceptual Access, Architectural Difference) that G.D.Weisman suggested were interpreted by spatial structure theory(J-Graph analysis, Space Syntax, Visual Graph Analysis) under the premise that it is closely related to the structure of space. Results: 1) Because the south corridor that connects each department of outpatient division is located in the hierarchy center of the space, and walking density is expected to be high, guidance signs need to be organized at the place with high integration value. 2) The depth to the destination space can be estimated through J-Graph analysis. The depth means a switch of direction, and the guidance signs are needed according to the number. 3) According to visibility graph analysis, visual exposure can be different in the same hierarchy unit space according to the shape of the flat surface. Based on these data, location adjustment of signs is possible, and the improvement effect can be estimated quantitatively. Implications: Spatial structure theory can be utilized to design and evaluate sign systems, and it helps to clearly understand the improvement effect. It is desirable to specify design and estimation of sign systems in the order of J-Graph analysis→Space Syntax Theory→ visibility graph analysis.