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A Study on Universal Design Guideline of the Urban Railway Station: Public Toilet

  • Abbr : KIHA
  • 2015, 21(1), pp.47-56
  • DOI : 10.15682/jkiha.2015.21.1.47
  • Publisher : Korea Institute Of Healthcare Architecture
  • Research Area : Engineering > Architectural Engineering
  • Published : February 28, 2015

강병근 1 Kwang jae Park 2 Kim, Sang-Woon 1 LEE, Joo Hyung 1 Lee, Ju Yeon 1




Purpose : As the number of the transportation poor has increased, the application of UniversalDesign on urban railway station has recently been focused. However, the current criteria used indomestic areas did not show the characteristic of facilities within urban railway station. Therefore,this study aims to explore the detailed criteria in applying ideas from Universal Design to sanitaryfacilities, especially toilets within railway station. Method : This study explores the criteria byevaluating findings from previous studies. First, the current situation of sanitary facilities in railwaystation is assessed. Then, the detailed criteria applicable to railway station toilets are concluded, byreviewing types of transportation poor and principles of Universal Design. Result : Findings from thisstudy are as follows. First, the current criteria applied to railway station toilets lack ideas of UniversalDesign, so the better criteria applicable to sanitary facilities in railway station are necessary. Second,standard criteria used in domestic areas with newly additional criteria suggest that sanitary facilitiesshould be established according to those criteria. Taken together, the better sanitary facilitiesshould be provided to railway users through the application of Universal Design to railway stationtoilets. Implication : For the future users in railway station toilets, the additional research on typesof diverse space and other sanitary facilities within railway station should have been continued.

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