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2003, Vol., No.49

An Analysis and Assessment of the American-Iraq War in 2003
Ko Sung-Youn | 2003, (49) | pp.43~80 | number of Cited : 2
Admiral Yi Sun-sin's Success in Military Service Examination and Tactical Practice Capability between Admiral Yi Sun-sin and Yi Il during Wartime
HakKeon Chang | 2003, (49) | pp.155~194 | number of Cited : 1
The T'ang-Koguryo War and Hsueh-yen-t'
Seo Young Kyo | 2003, (49) | pp.195~230 | number of Cited : 19
A Study on the Educational Programs of the Military History Museums
Kim Yong-Nam | 2003, (49) | pp.299~334 | number of Cited : 2