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2016, Vol., No.101

A Study on the letters by Seonjo(宣祖), Lee Deokhyeong(李德馨), and Lee Sunsin(李舜臣) contained in [Jiaqing(嘉慶)] Zhang'an Wangshi zongpu(章安王氏宗譜)
Park Hyun Kyu | 2016, (101) | pp.1~40 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Deployment Race at Europe during the last period of Cold War(1970s-1980s) and Its Implications for Korea's National Security
Kim Jae Yeop | 2016, (101) | pp.41~78 | number of Cited : 4
A Study on the Factors on the successful Peace-keeping Operations of The Korea UN Peace Keeping Units in Lebanon, "Dong-Myung Unit
Yang Cheol-Ho | 2016, (101) | pp.79~126 | number of Cited : 4
The Study on the combat of Kae‐song Rail Station by Kae‐song Railroad Police Unit during the Korean War
Byun,Hye-Seok | 2016, (101) | pp.127~176 | number of Cited : 4
The Research on the Overseas relocation plan of Korean Government led by the US in the Korean War
Sangho Lee | 2016, (101) | pp.177~202 | number of Cited : 5
The Study on the process of the establishment of unarmed fighting skill(拳法) from the cultural aspects as military martial art in the late of Joseon dynasty
Choi hyeong guk | 2016, (101) | pp.203~234 | number of Cited : 2
The Research on the Procurement of Military Materials and the Effects of Military logistics trade immediately after the Imjin Waeran
YunYeoseok | 2016, (101) | pp.235~272 | number of Cited : 6
The Study on the basis of the ‘Four Naval Battles of the World’
Seok Yeong Dal | 2016, (101) | pp.273~302 | number of Cited : 2
The Study on Characteristics of the Military Law[軍法] observed by the Hun’ryeon Dogam(訓鍊都監) office and the Futures of Executions by Decapitation(梟示刑) in the second half of Joseon period’s
Sim Jae-woo | 2016, (101) | pp.303~332 | number of Cited : 9
The Study and analysis on the management and change for 'Eoyeongcheong' from the Financial perspective between the 17th century and the first half of the 18th century
song-ki-jung | 2016, (101) | pp.333~364 | number of Cited : 7
The research on the military positions, "Jiyu" and "Haengsu" in the Goryeo Dynasty
kim nak jin | 2016, (101) | pp.365~396 | number of Cited : 6
The study on the employment of cavalry troops by Wang Geon, the Founder of Goryeo Dynasty
Kim, Myeongjin | 2016, (101) | pp.397~428 | number of Cited : 5