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2019, Vol.34, No.2

Chinese People's Perception of Democracy: Procedural-Instrumental Conception and Instrumental Support
Kang Su-Jeong | 2019, 34(2) | pp.5~35 | number of Cited : 1
An Analysis of ICT Development Strategy, Policy in the Early Stage(1978-1990s) of China's Reform and Opening
CHA, Jung-Mi | 2019, 34(2) | pp.37~72 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on the Formation and Change of Ethnic Identity and National Identity of Korean Chinese Living in Korea
Kim, Young Sool | 2019, 34(2) | pp.73~106 | number of Cited : 5
North Korea's Perception Toward U.S. Through Rodong-Sinmun: Focusing on the Process of Denuclearization Negotiation
Hyong Joon. Park | 2019, 34(2) | pp.107~136 | number of Cited : 8
The Anti-Soviet & Anti-Communist Movements in North Korea After the Liberation of Korea
Kee Kwang Seo | 2019, 34(2) | pp.137~174 | number of Cited : 4
Socialist Linkages and Choseon New Culture Movement of Northeast Asia in the 1920s: Focus on Gaebyeok(開闢) of the Cheondogyo(天道敎) Magazine
Hyejung Jung | 2019, 34(2) | pp.175~203 | number of Cited : 6