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2020, Vol.35, No.2

U.S-China Strategic Competition and Vietnamese Strategy Toward China: From Hedging to Soft Balancing
Wondeuk Cho , Sangsook Lee | 2020, 35(2) | pp.5~35 | number of Cited : 4
Korean Policy for Raising Fighter Pilots as well as U.S. Aircraft Aid to Korea during the First Half of the Korean War: Focused on the Establishment of the 1st Fighter Wing
Lee Jiwon | 2020, 35(2) | pp.37~64 | number of Cited : 6
The Significance and Value of Evidence in International Law of the Corean Alpine Club's Ulleungdo-Dokdo Academic Research Troop
ha-young YU | 2020, 35(2) | pp.65~92 | number of Cited : 3
Direction of Port Development in the East Coast Area of North Korea in Preparation for Linkage Between South and North Korea Ports
KANG Dal Won | 2020, 35(2) | pp.93~127 | number of Cited : 1
The Origin, Organization and Activities of the North Korean Patriotic Supporter Association before the Korean War - Focused on the Introduction and Utilization of Soviet and Japanese Military Support Policies -
Kim, Seon-ho | 2020, 35(2) | pp.129~159 | number of Cited : 2
South Korean Democratization and Establishment of Buma Democratic Uprising as National Memorial Day - Its Historical Signification and Imagination Above it
HA Sangbok | 2020, 35(2) | pp.161~188 | number of Cited : 6
The United Nations Humanitarian Interventions: Selected Humanitarian Crisis in 1989-2014: Why Do Some Humanitarian Crisis Cases Not Experience UN Humanitarian Intervention?
Hui-Cheol Yun | 2020, 35(2) | pp.189~223 | number of Cited : 1