Korea culture has been based on Confucianism, Western Capitalism, Radical
Economic Growth, Mammonism and Individualism is built on its ideology, ect.
Especially, confucianism is an ancient Chinese way of thought that has spread
through much of East Asia. This is often described as a religion in Korea. But
most of korea has not a religion of Confucianism. In Korea perhaps Confucianism
is a philosophy, social habits, invisible customs controlled most Korean, and
perspectives. So the accurate definition of Confucianism is that it is a detailed
code of interpersonal behavior. In Korean cultures where it is embraced, Confucianism
is a practical political and social doctrine. During centuries in Korea, Confucianism
has meant a system of education, ceremony and civil administration as first expressed
by the old of his villages and his parents. Confucianism was accepted so eagerly
and in so strict a form. Also, Korea Marriage Culture is built on its basis.
so it has a structure like a male-centrism, a female suppression, and so on. Its
teachings have, over time, reign all korean and his habit.
In particular, kinship organization, ideology, ritual and associated behaviour
have represented crucial, perhaps dominant, themes in Korean culture have been
consist of Korean Marriage. Fundamental ideas about morality and the proper
ordering of human relationships are closely associated with the Confucian concept
of filial duty. This filial duty was extended to the father of his family, this
structure was magnified to National structure that king is the father of nation,
and Filial Duty in family is a Loyalty for a nation. This pervasive, highly elaborated
system of lineages and branch lineages provided the basic structural principle
on which most groups in traditional society were organized. Loyalties and
obligations is centered in man, husband have generally taken precedence over other claims, commitments, and woman rights. In the modernization process,
profound changes have been taking place in the marriage system, particularly
in the leadership of family. So the divorce almost has been led by man. But,
in the perspective of christianity, Marriage is instituted by God. Divorce is not
part of God’s design, and is never entered into lightly. All divorces are caused
by sin. The act of divorce is not a sin.
But divorce with the intention to remarry a specific person is adultery. Christianity
says that, the true marriage the normal ishi(çya) and the the normal ishah(hça)
is to become a ishi YHWH(hwhy çya) and ishah YHWH(hwhy hça) in the
bible. It is that the marriage is to recover Being of God’s Image and to complete
the personality of the depending being. Marriage never be touched by neoconfucianism,
mammonism, the pragmatic options or the easy routes. Marriage
must always be led by the light of God’s command. The teaching of Scripture
(OT and NT) condemns a broken marriage relationship as sinful and against
God’s perfect will. Our society needs a new an alternative plan, biblical idea,
values on christianity to heal the distorted marriage and the view point of marriage.