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The Actual State of the Visually Impaired Student's Usage of Communication Language

  • Journal of Special Education: Theory and Practice
  • Abbr : JSPED
  • 2007, 8(2), pp.389-408
  • Publisher : Research Institute of the Korea Special Education
  • Research Area : Social Science > Education

권연희 1 Lee Hae-Gyun 2




The purpose of this study is to provide basic materials for language purification and the development of educational program on communication language. This survey was carried out according to sex, grade, the degree of visual acuity, the onset of visual handicap, the residence. The subjects were the 335 visually impaired students in 12 schools for the blind. The data were 15 questionnaires of composed of the actual state of the internet and communication language. The results are as follows. In the actual state of the visually impaired students' usage of internet according to the elements, particularly in the area of screen reader, the rate of girl students higher than that of boy students, that of middle school students is higher than that of senior high school students, and that of the congenital visually impaired students is higher than that of acquired visually impaired students, and in the actual state of the usage of communication language it appeared that girl students used more than boy students, low vision students used more than the visually impaired students and dormitory students used more than commuting students.논문 접수: 2007. 5. 5 심사 시작: 2007. 5. 10 게재 확정: 2007. 6. 25

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