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A Study on Co-teaching Process of Regular and Special Educators in Inclusive Early Childhood Education Settings

  • Journal of Special Education: Theory and Practice
  • Abbr : JSPED
  • 2007, 8(4), pp.161-195
  • Publisher : Research Institute of the Korea Special Education
  • Research Area : Social Science > Education

박소영 1 Shin, Hyunki 2




The purpose of this study is to present the necessary conditions for the successful inclusive education of young children with disabilities in Korea by assessing current environment of co-teaching in the field and analysing the currently effecting co-teaching methods by phases.The study was conducted with the collaboration of the team of 13 co-teachers including general and special education teachers for the period of 6 months through the in-depth interviews together with the scientific analysis on the daily plans of instruction by category and by each instructor as well as the result of the self-assessment of each instructor. The collected materials were classified and arranged by the purposes and categories as intended.The result of the study could be summarized as follows: First, the mutual confidence and trust between the co-teachers voluntarily participated is essential for the successful inclusive education with the environment that cross-appointment between the co-teachers is guaranteed and the administrative support for the inclusive education is properly secured beforehand.The co-teachers demanded that in order to maximize the effect of the co-teaching, relevant environment including administrative support from the government is essential and through the consummate examination and confirmation on the conditions before starting to provide co-teaching much of the hardships relating inclusive education could be minimized.In summary, we can clearly understand through the result of this study what are the underlying points in co-teaching on the part of co-teachers and which direction we should take for the maximum results from the future complete inclusive early childhood education.

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