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An Analysis of the Relationship between Developmental and Implementation Factors of the Curriculum for Students with Severe Intellectual Disability

  • Journal of Special Education: Theory and Practice
  • Abbr : JSPED
  • 2014, 15(1), pp.23-53
  • Publisher : Research Institute of the Korea Special Education
  • Research Area : Social Science > Education

Jung, Yun Woo 1 Chung Dong-young 1




The purpose of this study was tried to test those factors by setting up arelation model of them to present the developmental expertise and implementationadaptability appropriate for students with severely intellectual disability. The research questions selected for the sake of achieving the purpose ofthis study are as follows. ‘What is the structural relationship betweendevelopmental and implementation factors of the curriculum for studentswith severe intellectual disability?’ The results of this study can be summarizedas follows. The factors that had direct influence on the Implementation ofthe curriculum for severe intellectual disability were curricular knowledgeand attitudes, but curricular skill did not affect the Implementation of thecurriculum. This means that the curriculum development factors includingcurricular knowledge and attitudes are important for the Implementation ofthe curriculum for students with severe intellectual disability. Also, curricularattitudes toward the development of the curriculum for students with severeintellectual disability turned out to have greater influence on Implementationthan on curricular knowledge. And, though curricular knowledge did not haveinfluence on the Implementation of the curriculum, curricular knowledge,skill, and attitudes had correlations with each others rather than respectivelybeing independent in the development of the curriculum for severe intellectual disability.

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