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2016, Vol.17, No.1

Studies on the Bioethical Origins of the ‘Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)’ from Foreign Case Studies
June-S. Lee | 2016, 17(1) | pp.1~16 | number of Cited : 1
A Review on Character of Social Behavioral Research: Analysis of Humphreys study
Kim Sihyeong , Choo Jung Wan , 우제창 and 2 other persons | 2016, 17(1) | pp.17~34 | number of Cited : 6
Regulatory Framework for Gene Therapy on Human Embryos in Response to CRISPR-Cas9
박대웅 , Ryoo, Hwa-shin | 2016, 17(1) | pp.35~52 | number of Cited : 17
Study about the experience of the sex education and the perception of the contraceptive pill of the female adolescent
Eun-Ae Kim , In-Young Lee , Lee, Soon-hee | 2016, 17(1) | pp.53~74 | number of Cited : 11
Relationship between moral sensitivity and elderly nursing practice of nurses
hongsohyoung , 박양희 , Ji-Seon Moon | 2016, 17(1) | pp.75~88 | number of Cited : 17
Broad Consent and Dynamic Consent of Biobank Donors
유호종 | 2016, 17(1) | pp.89~102 | number of Cited : 5