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A Study of the Recognition Regarding the Influence of Public Library Service to Quality of Life

  • Journal of the Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science
  • 2017, 28(1), pp.45-77
  • DOI : 10.14699/kbiblia.2017.28.1.045
  • Publisher : Journal Of The Korean Biblia Society For Library And Information Science
  • Research Area : Interdisciplinary Studies > Library and Information Science

Younghee Noh 1 Park,Yang Ha 2




Measurement of quality of life is a concept studied in the field of administration, economy and society. And It is a standard of measuring performance of government. Recently, in governments and global society, QoL (Quality of life) index is used to reflect overall development degree. National policy and service effectiveness measurement using QoL index is more persuasive when it is combined with ‘Bottom-Up Spillover Theory’. This study applied 「National Quality of Life Index」, the object QoL index used by National Statistical Office to see if the library service is recognized to actually have influence on the quality of life, and furthermore, see the difference of quality of life improvement recognition by user and quality of life improvement degree recognized by the librarian. “Recognition regarding shortage of time” was the highest index, and “concentration of fine dust” was the lowest. Regarding the recognition difference between librarian and user, it showed signifiant difference in 13 index, while the recognition difference by gender showed difference in 5 index, difference by age was 23, difference by residence was 14, and difference by number of visits to library was 9.

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