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A Study on the Elderly People’s Value System of the Public Library Use: Focusing on Public Libraries in Seoul

  • Journal of the Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science
  • 2019, 30(1), pp.121-143
  • DOI : 10.14699/kbiblia.2019.30.1.121
  • Publisher : Journal Of The Korean Biblia Society For Library And Information Science
  • Research Area : Interdisciplinary Studies > Library and Information Science
  • Received : February 24, 2019
  • Accepted : March 15, 2019

Yujin Choi 1 Mi-Kyeong Cha 2

1이화여자대학교 대학원 문헌정보학과



The purpose of this study was to examine the reason and value system of the elderly people on the public library use in Korea. For the purpose, a questionnaire survey was conducted for elderly aged over 60, from 15 public libraries in Seoul from October 29 to October 10, 2018, and 306 valid responses collected were analyzed. The value system is based on the Means-end Chain (MEC) Theory, and the linkage between the attributes, consequences, and values ​​of public library use is figured out as a value hierarchy. As a result, the most frequently revealed value system was ‘reads or borrows books (attribute) → gets new knowledge (consequence) → satisfies oneself (value).’ For the value reached by using the public library, both groups answered that their satisfaction, achievement, fun, pleasure, and vitality. However, the elderly aged 65 and over additionally felt that public libraries are good for their mental / physical health. The results showed that the elderly people using the public library feels the traditional functions of the public library as the main attribute, and the public library could provide the elderly people with contribution to the lively old age.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.