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2023, Vol.9, No.2

A Study on the Usability Evaluation and Improvement of Voice Tag Reader for an Visually Impaired Person
Kim Sora , Cho Yong Yun , Yong Taehee | 2023, 9(2) | pp.1~9 | number of Cited : 0
Performance Evaluation of Smoothing Algorithm Considering Network Bandwidth in IoT Environment
MyounJae Lee | 2023, 9(2) | pp.11~17 | number of Cited : 0
Trend Analysis of Barrier-free Academic Research using Text Mining and CONCOR
Lee Jeong-Ki , Youn Ki Hyok | 2023, 9(2) | pp.19~31 | number of Cited : 5
Effects of Aroma Blending Oil Inhalation on Academic Stress and Class Concentration in Nursing Students
Kang, mi ae | 2023, 9(2) | pp.33~40 | number of Cited : 0
Methods to Improve Problems in The Smart Factory Operation Process
DongWoo Lee , Lee Seong Hoon | 2023, 9(2) | pp.41~46 | number of Cited : 0
A Study On the Design of MyData API G/W
Sehjoon Dokko , Choi, ChangWon | 2023, 9(2) | pp.47~54 | number of Cited : 1
Cloud Security Scheme Based on Blockchain and Zero Trust
nainhye , Kang, Hyeok , Keun-Ho Lee | 2023, 9(2) | pp.55~60 | number of Cited : 1
Design and Implementation of a Data-Driven Defect and Linearity Assessment Monitoring System for Electric Power Steering
Lawal Alabe Wale , 키에 킴렁 , Youngsun Han and 1 other persons | 2023, 9(2) | pp.61~69 | number of Cited : 0
Smoothed RSSI-Based Distance Estimation Using Deep Neural Network
Hyeokdon Kwon , SOLBEE LEE , Kwon Jung-Hyok and 1 other persons | 2023, 9(2) | pp.71~76 | number of Cited : 1
Proposal of SMPC Biometric Authentication System Based on Public Blockchain
Ji-Su Doo , Kang, Hyeok , Keun-Ho Lee | 2023, 9(2) | pp.77~82 | number of Cited : 0