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2015, Vol.3, No.2

A Study on the Trends of Civil Law in East Asian Countries
Kim Myung Yeop | 2015, 3(2) | pp.7~30 | number of Cited : 1
A trend of Japanese registration on changing paradigm from the substituted decision-making to the supported decision-making
Oh, Ho-Cheol | 2015, 3(2) | pp.31~51 | number of Cited : 3
A help way of civil case on the natural illumination‧sunshine disturbance
赵晓舒 | 2015, 3(2) | pp.53~64 | number of Cited : 0
Doctor's Civil Liability on the Treatment of Patients in the Medical Contract
Jong-Ryeol Park | 2015, 3(2) | pp.65~100 | number of Cited : 6
A Opinion on the revised enforcement ordinance of the Commercial Building Lease Protection Ac
HyeonSon, Kim , won, sang-chul | 2015, 3(2) | pp.101~141 | number of Cited : 1
Status of Child Sexual Abuse Related Legislation and Challenges
Choung Hye Uk | 2015, 3(2) | pp.143~169 | number of Cited : 1
An Exploratory Study on the Amendment of our criminal law Article 10 Clause 3 and the Legislative challenges in Japan
Hong, Tae-Seok | 2015, 3(2) | pp.171~198 | number of Cited : 0
Vague usage of language in the inquiry
张 彦 | 2015, 3(2) | pp.199~215 | number of Cited : 0
On New Trend of Evidence-Based Crime Prevention
侯 佳 | 2015, 3(2) | pp.217~246 | number of Cited : 0
Legal Issues as to Accidents and Coverage of Autonomous Driving Vehicle
Youngkook Kim | 2015, 3(2) | pp.247~280 | number of Cited : 38
The Present Situation and Problems of non-performing loans
신세덕 | 2015, 3(2) | pp.281~299 | number of Cited : 3