Social justice and social responsibility are difficult to be compatible with the norms of capitalism, and capitalism transforms into socialism when social awareness, justice and responsibility become legal rules of moral establishment. Capitalism is developed by humans’ selfish desires and linguistic initiatives, and to this day it shows world-wide expansion and exceeds the ecological limits of the Earth. Moral socialism aims to suppress the selfish tendency of human nature and to control the ills of capitalism by social (historical) awareness, and to overcome the freedom of capitalism, including the revision of capitalism. Humans, however, are essentially free and there is a limit to growth on Earth. Therefore, a finite human must control himself and coexist. The proponents of the new international order are clinging to the distorted achievements of past high growth and promoting the illusion that free competition for profit can solve everything. As history suggests to us, too much emphasis on freedom seeks to destroy traditional values and culture. Now, however, it has been found that destruction and rationalization by market competition does not create new justice and justice just by enlarging desire and expanding humanity and corruption.
Freedom and creativity are the best values that humans have, but neoliberalism (marketism principle) that excludes social justice of exchange and distribution and various and fair rules has become the enemy of human welfare. Humans cannot live only by economic and commercial needs. It should not be left to be the leader of the global economic animal. The problem of the modern closed situation can only be solved by having the goal of overcoming the globalization of the imperialist gap and realizing human welfare.
God’s invisible hand is nothing more than a moral ideology that misleads the essence of human existence (creative potential), leads humans and human society into panic and war, and neglects the comfort and malice of the strong. If one cheat his opponent, sell something of no value, or pay the promised price, it is fraud, a breach of contract, and the disadvantaged party will not allow this fraud. He have to sue his opponent in order to restore the exchangeable justice. Laws, including Civil Act and Commercial Act, appeared to correct this by making the principle that justice should not be maintained because there should be no injustice in the relationship between the individual and the individual. Laws, including Civil and Commercial Act, are also needed to legalize the definition of commodity exchange. In relation to the exchange between individuals, it is required in a more strict form that it is an exchange definition.
Civil Act and Commercial Act may be used as a rule system to maintain this exchange definition. This exchange definition must always be maintained when the other person is a person or corporation in a different society or an individual and person in the same society exchange or market transactions. In this sense, the only commonly used justice is this interchangeable justice. From the above logic, if one look at economics in terms of the justice of exchange, one can understand that the economics of pulpit so far are economics that conceal universal justice. However, in this market economy, bad justice is a law that arises from the nature of human existence, and how to lead it should be solved in the realm of morality and politics.
This article examines “A moral socialism, what is the problem?” and criticized the principles of freedom and welfare state theory, social contract theory, capitalist advocacy theory and marketism at the suspicion (doubt), and reviews “Is an inequality in the new perspective on justice a condition of human progress?” “Is it impossible to balance social justice and greed?” “Is the opportunity to unleash one’s talent fair?” “Why is moral socialism unnecessary?” and the like. As an excuse and as a supportive arguments, I tried to build a new legal philosophic basis for the justice with my opinion upon the various economists.