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2014, Vol.24, No.3

A Study of the Effects of Land Valuation Gains & Losses on Stock Prices, basing on Korea Government-Announced Land Price
Jong-min Park , 윤춘선 , Hyunchul Chung | 2014, 24(3) | pp.7~21 | number of Cited : 3
A Study on a basis of Other Values except Market Value -Focused on Appraisal Practice-
최경관 | 2014, 24(3) | pp.23~34 | number of Cited : 2
Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Real Estate Asset Management Strategies in the case of Daegu⋅Gyeongbuk Residents
Park Won Seok | 2014, 24(3) | pp.35~48 | number of Cited : 2
Policy Proposals for Efficient Management of the Government Property:with a Focus on Land Use Intensity and Transaction Prices
이준용 , Son, Jae-young | 2014, 24(3) | pp.49~62 | number of Cited : 6
A Study on Consumer Preference to Develop Multi-complex Commercial Buildings
우철민 , Gyo-Eon Shim | 2014, 24(3) | pp.63~74 | number of Cited : 9
The Justification for Land Bank under Stable Real Estate Prices
김미숙 , Ryoonhee Kim , Sang-Hak Park and 2 other persons | 2014, 24(3) | pp.75~86 | number of Cited : 1
The Legal Analysis of Land Use Regulation System in the U.S -Focusing on the Authority of Federal, State, and Local Government-
Seungjong Kim | 2014, 24(3) | pp.87~101 | number of Cited : 3
A Study on the Problems in Managing Asset-Based Lending and Improvement Plan for the System Revitalization
Taehoon Kim , 정주희 | 2014, 24(3) | pp.103~118 | number of Cited : 0
An Analysis on Monthly Payments for Elderly Housing with Supportive Services in Japan
도주은 , Seon-Jong Yoo | 2014, 24(3) | pp.119~132 | number of Cited : 3
A Study on the Practical Appraisal about Expected Rates of Return in Rents
권현진 , Lee Young Ho | 2014, 24(3) | pp.133~147 | number of Cited : 3
A Study on Impacts of Consumption-Amenity Accessibility on Land Price in Gangnam-Gu, Seoul
안혜성 , Chang-Deok Kang | 2014, 24(3) | pp.149~165 | number of Cited : 6