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2014, Vol.24, No.4

The Issues and Improvements on the Exit Strategies of Newtown and Urban Renewal Projects
정주희 | 2014, 24(4) | pp.7~24 | number of Cited : 4
A Study on the Housing Price Change Rate after Pre-sale Acquisition : Focused on Pangyo New Town
박주연 , 박찬일 , Seon-Jong Yoo | 2014, 24(4) | pp.25~37 | number of Cited : 5
Urban Regeneration Policies of the Ruhr, Germany: Case Studies on Phoenix and Stadtkrone, Dortmund
Dong-Ho Shin | 2014, 24(4) | pp.39~53 | number of Cited : 7
A Study of the improvements on the Right to the Claim for the Sale of the Housing Reconstruction Union in the Lawsuit Case Analysis
김요한 , Lee, Sang Youb | 2014, 24(4) | pp.55~69 | number of Cited : 2
A Study on the Unscrambling of Woody Plant Involved Terminologies in Loss Compensation
김영화 | 2014, 24(4) | pp.71~89 | number of Cited : 0
A Study of the Effects of Reverse Mortgage for Alleviating the Elderly Poverty
Lee Jin kyung | 2014, 24(4) | pp.91~101 | number of Cited : 12
A Study on the Local Residents' Perceptions of the "Haeng-Bok" Public Housing
Lee, Hoon , Hur Jae Wan | 2014, 24(4) | pp.103~118 | number of Cited : 16
A Bayesian Spatio-temporal Analysis of Land Price
Lee, Changro , Eum Young-seob , Park, Key Ho | 2014, 24(4) | pp.119~135 | number of Cited : 2
Analysis of Spatial Distribution of Apartments in Ho Chi Minh
정유석 , Jaehwan Kim , Joo Hyun Cho | 2014, 24(4) | pp.137~148 | number of Cited : 2
The Impacts of the Risk Preference and DTI ratio on Homeowner’s Portfolio Choice
Mihwa Lim | 2014, 24(4) | pp.149~159 | number of Cited : 4
A Study on the Relation between Feng shui and Appraised Value of Land
김현준 , 홍병곤 , Jea-hoon Hwang | 2014, 24(4) | pp.161~177 | number of Cited : 4
The Equilibrium Mechanism on the Metropolitan Housing Space and Capital Markets with Structural Breaks
이무송 , Yu, Jung Suk | 2014, 24(4) | pp.179~194 | number of Cited : 2
An Application of EGARCH-M Model on Analysing Real Estate Market with CAPM
Roh, Sangyoun , Min, Seonghun | 2014, 24(4) | pp.195~205 | number of Cited : 8
A Study on Applicable Standards and Improvement in Land Price Estimation for Restitution of Development Gains
Lee, Woojae , Hun Hee Cho | 2014, 24(4) | pp.207~224 | number of Cited : 1
Effects of Household Life Cycle and Economic Characteristics on Household Debt
Kim Ju Young | 2014, 24(4) | pp.225~236 | number of Cited : 6