Based on the Cultural Heritage Protection Act, the Historical and Cultural Environment District (HCED) belongs to the social regulation (planning regulation) for the benefit of the public. However, there is no community support program that is equivalent to the regulation. In order to introduce the program, it is necessary to discuss its validity and objective criterion for delivering incentives to the communities in HCED. For this reason, the main purpose of this study is to develop a preservation index (PI) of the historical and cultural environment by utilizing a land price index table. The PI, which is referred to as the degree of planning regulation, is calculated on the basis of a land price gap before and after the designation of the HCED. That is, the PI in a parcel can be higher, as the parcel is closer to urban land use and more restricted by the Cultural Heritage Protection Act. As a result of the preservation grade (PG) derived from the PI, the PG 1 and PG 2 regarding higher PI scores are estimated to be 17.0% (12.9 ㎢) and 19.2% (0.72 ㎢) of the HCED in Gyeongju and Suwon, respectively. In addition, the total amount of PI is 54.2 in Gyeongju and 33.1 in Suwon. Lastly, in terms of policy, this study suggests to utilize the developed PI (PG) as the criteria for determining the size of the incentives to communities, allocating a scale of subsidies to the local governments, and monitoring a nationwide PI.