For the past few years, there has been active seeking of archivalpractices outside of public institutions. For example, there is oral historyarchive which has an actual field of its own, community archive, archivesof everyday life, cultural resources archive, digital archive, and post-modernarchive with its discourse practical character. In this reading, such flow isorganized through everyday paradigm, and examines new archivalmethodology that is suitable for it.
Through such critical mind, semiotic approach is taken and the need,direction and alternative of archival methodology is offered. Especially,archival methodology, which can be applied to archives is thoroughlyobserved. Also, the way how sign practices can be executed in the archivalfield is explained through specific examples.
Of course, it is clearly stated that this is an instance, and that it is anarchival methodology that can be applied to public institutions. We hopethis would be a discuss that would enable a comprehensive understandingof records.