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2015, Vol., No.46

Past Affairs-Related Collective Memories and the Archival Justice : The Contemporary Rebuilding of the Archive on the Truth and Reconciliation Committee
Lee, Kyong Rae | 2015, (46) | pp.5~44 | number of Cited : 18
A Study on the Proposal for the Description Elements of Art Museum Archives
Lee Jieun , Ji Hyun Kim | 2015, (46) | pp.45~93 | number of Cited : 4
Value and Prosect of individual diary as research materials : Based on the “The 12th May Diaries Collection”
Choi Hyojin , YIM JIN HEE | 2015, (46) | pp.95~152 | number of Cited : 18
A study on non-existence information of the information disclosure system : focused on the central administrative agencies
Kim Youseung , Jeongmin Choi | 2015, (46) | pp.159~187 | number of Cited : 5
A Study on Establishing a Documentation Strategy of the National Assembly of Korea
Kim Janghwan | 2015, (46) | pp.189~231 | number of Cited : 3
A Study on the Collection Policy of Presidential Libraries and Museums in the United States
강민정 , Seunghwi Lee | 2015, (46) | pp.233~286 | number of Cited : 3
A study on the Appraisal Criteria of Research Records in Public Research Institution
Miyoung Lee | 2015, (46) | pp.287~323 | number of Cited : 1
A Study on Functional Requirements of Records Management Systems for Government-Affiliated Organizations to respond to Immediate Disclosure of Original Official Documents
Hwang, Jin-hyun , YIM JIN HEE | 2015, (46) | pp.325~363 | number of Cited : 9