author={Jung-Hee Chu},
title={Mythical Thought from the Perspective of Symbolic Functions},
journal={The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art},
AU - Jung-Hee Chu
TI - Mythical Thought from the Perspective of Symbolic Functions
JO - The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art
PY - 2025
VL - 74
IS - null
PB - 한국미학예술학회
SP - 132
EP - 152
SN - 1229-0246
AB - The purpose of this study is to understand Cassirer’s philosophy of symbolic form systematically by examining mythological thinking according to symbolic functions, especially the expressive function. Ernst Cassirer tried to systematically construct his philosophy through the symbolic function. As a function of the mind, the symbolic function is closely related to Kant’s way of thinking. The expressive function is particularly the most elementary function of the mind. Mythical thinking based on physiognomic feelings is the main stage of the expressive function. This study examines the uniqueness of mythical consciousness by examining the expressive function as well as the transition from expressive function to representative function through God’s image and name, and through the problem of body and soul, which have been the perennial topic of philosophy. In addition, this study would like to consider the modernity of Cassirer’s concept of expression by comparing the view of Merleau-Ponty, who insists on the non-separation of the mind and body.
KW - Expressive Function;God’s Image;Mythical Consciousness;Mythical Perception;Phenomenology of Perception;Problem of Body and Soul;Symbolic Function
DO -
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Jung-Hee Chu. (2025). Mythical Thought from the Perspective of Symbolic Functions. The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art, 74, 132-152.
Jung-Hee Chu. 2025, "Mythical Thought from the Perspective of Symbolic Functions", The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art, vol.74, pp.132-152.
Jung-Hee Chu "Mythical Thought from the Perspective of Symbolic Functions" The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art 74 pp.132-152 (2025) : 132.
Jung-Hee Chu. Mythical Thought from the Perspective of Symbolic Functions. 2025; 74 132-152.
Jung-Hee Chu. "Mythical Thought from the Perspective of Symbolic Functions" The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art 74(2025) : 132-152.
Jung-Hee Chu. Mythical Thought from the Perspective of Symbolic Functions. The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art, 74, 132-152.
Jung-Hee Chu. Mythical Thought from the Perspective of Symbolic Functions. The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art. 2025; 74 132-152.
Jung-Hee Chu. Mythical Thought from the Perspective of Symbolic Functions. 2025; 74 132-152.
Jung-Hee Chu. "Mythical Thought from the Perspective of Symbolic Functions" The Journal of Aesthetics and Science of Art 74(2025) : 132-152.