Lu Xun visted Hong Kong for thrice in 1927, laying the seeds of “New Literature” in the literary circle of Hong Kong, which at the time was dominated by classical literature. Starting from 1937, modern Chinese writers and scholars began to flock to Hong Kong to take refuge from the civil war in China. Enjoying the freedom in Hong Kong, they founded various newspapers and magazines, and began to commemorate and publish on Lu Xun, marking the beginning of the “Lu Xun Studies” in Hong Kong. As compared with Mainland China and Taiwan, Hong Kong is free from the deification and the censorship of Lu Xun after 1949, hence providing a relatively-free literary field for the interaction of various discussions on Lu Xun.
This paper claims that Hong Kong serves as valuable resources for “Lu Xun Studies,” not only in that it offers an abundance of resources for the circulation and reception of Lu Xun, but also in that it provides a different reading of Lu Xun as compared to that in Mainland China, Taiwan and the East-Asia region. The first part of this paper provides a survey on the present research on the “Lu Xun Studies” in Hong Kong. The second part focuses on the analysis of three monographs on Lu Xun’s classic poetry and on the periodical Dousou [抖擻], so as the demonstrate the role of Hon Kong in the circulation of “Lu Xun Studies” in the East-Asian region. The paper will also reflect on the notion of “Hong Kong” as methodology of Lu Xun Studies.