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A Study of Narrative of Regression to the Past in the Film Ni Hao, Li Hyan Ying

  • The Journal of Study on Language and Culture of Korea and China
  • Abbr : JSLCKC
  • 2021, (62), pp.297-317
  • DOI : 10.16874/jslckc.2021..62.012
  • Publisher : Korean Society of Study on Chinese Languge and Culture
  • Research Area : Humanities > Chinese Language and Literature
  • Received : October 10, 2021
  • Accepted : November 20, 2021
  • Published : November 30, 2021

Sung-Hee Jin 1




This study analyzed and discussed new possibilities of the narrative of regression to the past in Ni Hao, Li Hyan Ying. Ni Hao, Li Hyan Ying constructed narratives on a new dimension concerning the maternal instinct and mother-daughter relationship, operating popular cinematic codes like time-slip and nostalgia. Until now, nostalgia films have usually been produced under the plot that summons the imagined past to console men in reality. The past in Ni Hao, Li Hyan Ying is the time imagined by the daughter’s fantasy for her mother and the mother’s choice for her daughter’s present. Thus, the film gave birth to a narrative of the mother-daughter relationship on another dimension of dismantling the fantasy of a motherhood myth and interacting and banding together as a woman and a woman in the framework of the representation of the equal relationship between ‘mother and daughter.’ The universal who has been called only as a mother under the intervention of the past of the daughter in Ni Hao, Li Hyan Ying is reborn as an individual named Li Hyan Ying. Therefore, this narrative of the film sufficiently has a possibility as an alternative narrative that restores a mother’s narrative that has historically been erased and concealed.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.