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2018, Vol.27, No.3

Study of Radon Management in the Environmental Impact Assessment Stage
ImSoon Kim , 오홍석 , Kwanhyung Lee and 1 other persons | 2018, 27(3) | pp.241~250 | number of Cited : 5
Water Quality Modelling of Flood Control Dam by HSPF and EFDC
Younggi Lee , Sangchul Hwang , Hyundong Hwang and 3 other persons | 2018, 27(3) | pp.251~266 | number of Cited : 4
Water Scarcity Assessment Using Green and Blue Water Concepts
김성은 , Lee, Dong Kun , Byungsun Yang and 1 other persons | 2018, 27(3) | pp.267~278 | number of Cited : 1
Analyzing Difference of Urban Forest Edge Vegetation Condition by Land Cover Types Using Spatio-temporal Data Fusion Method
Sung Woong Gi , Lee, Dong Kun , 김예화 | 2018, 27(3) | pp.279~290 | number of Cited : 3
Prediction of Potential Habitat of Japanese evergreen oak (Quercus acuta Thunb.) Considering Dispersal Ability Under Climate Change
Man-Seok Shin , Seo, Chang Wan , 박선욱 and 4 other persons | 2018, 27(3) | pp.291~306 | number of Cited : 8
Freshwater Fish Fauna and Ecological Health Assessment of the Agricultural Reservoirs in Jecheon City, Korea
JEONGHO HAN , KimJaeHwan , LeeSangBo and 1 other persons | 2018, 27(3) | pp.307~321 | number of Cited : 3
Environmental Improvement Effect and Social Benefit of Environmental Impact Assessment: Focusing on Thermal Power Plant
강유진 , Yumi Kim , Nankyoung Moon | 2018, 27(3) | pp.322~333 | number of Cited : 2