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2022, Vol.31, No.5

A Study on Improvement of Air Quality Dispersion Model Application Method in Environmental Impact Assessment (I) – Focusing on AERMOD Meteorological Preprocessor –
Suhyang Kim , Sun-Hwan Park , Jongseok Tak and 3 other persons | 2022, 31(5) | pp.271~285 | number of Cited : 1
A Study on the Distribution and Reduction Method of Indoor Radon Concentration in Daejeon Metropolitan City
Yong-Chul Jang , Jaehwan Yang , Hongkyoung Kim and 4 other persons | 2022, 31(5) | pp.286~295 | number of Cited : 0
Transfer of Arsenic and Heavy Metals Existed as Acid Extractable and Reducible Forms from Flooded Soils to Rice Plant
IlHa Koh , Ji Won Hyun , Jungeun Kim | 2022, 31(5) | pp.296~309 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on the Perception Change of Bats after COVID-19 by Social Media Data Analysis
Lee Jukyung , Byeori Kim , Sun-Sook Kim | 2022, 31(5) | pp.310~320 | number of Cited : 0
Human Health Risk Assessment of BTEX from Daesan Petrochemical Industrial Complex
Jihyeong Lee , Yong-Chul Jang , Kwangsoo Cheon and 1 other persons | 2022, 31(5) | pp.321~333 | number of Cited : 1
Evaluation of Internal through Analysis of Airflow and Ventilation of Coal Storage Shed
Hyunjoung Jo , Lee, Jin-Hong | 2022, 31(5) | pp.334~342 | number of Cited : 0
Development of Indicators to Create a Healing Environment in Disabled Residential
Hyun-Jung Yeu , Heeseung Yang | 2022, 31(5) | pp.343~358 | number of Cited : 0