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2008, Vol.42, No.3

A Study on the Developing of Evaluation Indicators of Special Libraries
Hee-Sook Park , Dong-Youl Jeong | 2008, 42(3) | pp.11~43 | number of Cited : 6
A Study on the Function of Regional Central Library andCollaborative Role for Community Public Library
SoonJa Bae | 2008, 42(3) | pp.45~59 | number of Cited : 19
The Construction and Common Use of Old Document DB in the Foreign Countries
Kang, Soon-Ae | 2008, 42(3) | pp.61~79 | number of Cited : 5
The Effects of the Project-Based Learning on LIS Education: Focused on Students' Problem-Solving and Self-Directed Learning Ability
Han, Seung Hee | 2008, 42(3) | pp.81~101 | number of Cited : 35
The Grounded Theoretical Study on Negative Emotion Recovery Process of Female College Students Through Bibliotherapy
Kilja Kim | 2008, 42(3) | pp.103~131 | number of Cited : 4
A Study on the Curriculum Development of Continuing Education for Academic Librarians in Korea
Hye Rhan Chang , Hong Hyun jin , Younghee Noh and 1 other persons | 2008, 42(3) | pp.133~168 | number of Cited : 8
A Study on the ‘Information and the Library’ Curriculum and the Roles of Teacher-Librarians
Myung-Sik Hahm | 2008, 42(3) | pp.169~188 | number of Cited : 12
Librarian's Role and Diversification of Librarian's Worksfor Creating Blue Ocean Strategy of Special Libraries
LEE JI HO , Park,Ok-Hwa | 2008, 42(3) | pp.189~205 | number of Cited : 7
Comparative Analysis of R&D Information Status: Korea, US, and Japan
Han-Seok Oh | 2008, 42(3) | pp.207~231 | number of Cited : 6
The Study on the Collection Analysis for an International Cooperative Network of Knowledge-Information Resources
Kim Youseung , LEE JEONG SOO , 김문정 | 2008, 42(3) | pp.233~257 | number of Cited : 0
Establishing Facet for Classifying Theological Terms
Yeong Jun Yoo | 2008, 42(3) | pp.259~279 | number of Cited : 10
A Study on the User Satisfaction and Loyalty of University Library Users
Kim Sun Ae | 2008, 42(3) | pp.281~299 | number of Cited : 41
A Study on the Library Service Use and Needs of Disabled Users in Korea
Yeon Kyoung Chung , 김성진 | 2008, 42(3) | pp.301~323 | number of Cited : 29
A Study on the Supporting Strategy of Cultural Programs in Korean Public Libraries
Inja Ahn , Hoang Gum-Sook | 2008, 42(3) | pp.325~344 | number of Cited : 8
Comparative Analysis of Web Accessibility in National Libraries
Seo, Eun-Gyoung , Hee-Jung Kim | 2008, 42(3) | pp.345~364 | number of Cited : 14
What is the Starting Point of Discussions for theOpen Access of Korean Journals?
Kyoung Hee Joung | 2008, 42(3) | pp.365~382 | number of Cited : 11